It's been a little while between posts, with everything going on in the world, a break was needed. But now I am full of vigor with new ideas to get this blog up and running with new and exciting content! For this post I want to share some info about an interview I had recently for a new podcast called 'Pony Pod' - a US-based podcast about travelling performers all over the globe, created by the lovely Miss Mary Jane Green.
We chatted about a myriad of things from when I started out in burlesque and performance, to challenges and successes, to travel tips for performers from my own experience. I bang on a bit about my love of feather fans, including a little insight into my world record! We focussed a little bit of time on my Profitable Performer Group as well, as you know I love being able to help performers with marketing themselves and making our industry a stronger one (utilising this time of isolation to focus on who you are as an artist and what you want to put out into the world could be very beneficial). The Podcast features a bunch of amazingly talented performers including Matt Finish, Nox Falls, and I'm sure many many more to come, all talking about their unique journeys into travelling as artists. The podcast launches on July 15th on platforms you get your podcasts from. But if you want a little sneak peek into who will be featured, check out the instagram handle @pony.pod Look out for the ending of each podcast - surefire fun!

A big thank you to Mary Jane Green for having me on Pony Pod - I had a ball and can't wait to hear all the amazing artists! Check out her website here:
And her Instagram handle @missmaryjanegreen